Thursday, January 18, 2018

Historic Magnolia Tree Being Removed at the White House

I recently came across an article mentioning that a historic Magnolia tree was being removed at the White House. The tree in question a large leaf Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) was originally planted by Andrew Jackson back in 1829 and can also be found on the back of the $20 bill circa 1928-1998. The tree ultimately failed due to a combination of old age, decay and structural instability. At the end there simply wasn't enough sound wood left to justify keeping the tree in place due to its risk of failing and causing damage to people or property.The tree was 190 years old well past its normal lifespan; a testament to the critical care it has received over the years from arboricultural experts. When considering trees planted on your property keep in mind that you can extend their lifespan through proper tree pruning, maintenance, planting the right tree in the right place and using an ISA Certified Arborist or ASCA Consulting Arborist to conduct an annual inspection. For the full article please see the weblink below:

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Trees and Bioswales

Trees have many benefits but one of the most important revolves around their capacity to mitigate and filter storm water discharge as a component of a bioswale. Bioswales are storm water runoff conveyance systems that provide an alternative to storm sewers. They can absorb low flows or carry runoff from heavy rains to storm sewer inlets or directly to surface waters. Bioswales improve water quality by infiltrating the first flush of storm water runoff and filtering the large storm flows they convey. Trees have a large capacity to intercept rainwater by capturing rain droplets with their canopy and absorbing rainwater through their root zones. In addition recent studies have shown that trees grow better in bioswales and improve rainwater filtration by creating channels through the soil profile. For additional information on bioswales and trees please visit the below weblinks:

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Citrix Global Day of Impact- Snyder Park

This year I had the wonderful opportunity of working alongside the Citrix volunteers for Global Day of Impact on December 8, 2017. Together we helped clear brush, remove exotic/invasive plants, structurally prune trees, collect hurricane debris and reestablish overgrown trails within the Citrix Food Forest at Snyder Park. The food forest serves as an educational tool and unique meditation space filled with edible/Florida native tree and shrub species. Future volunteer days will help increase the size of the food forest and continue to improve the experience for city neighbors and park visitors. For additional information about the Kids Ecology Corps and Citrix Global Day of Impact please visit the following web links:

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Fort Lauderdale's Historic Bicentennial Liberty Live Oak Tree

I recently uncovered a trove of historical information and photographs documenting the relocation of the City's Bicentennial Live Oak tree. The tree was already over 200 years old when it was selected for preservation/relocation by then Fort Lauderdale City Mayor E Clay Shaw and successfully relocated on September 8, 1976. The tree was originally located near the Broward Courthouse before being moved adjacent to the river walk area of Bubier Park/Huizenga Plaza. This tree relocation had many moving parts and required coordination from multiple parties including the Florida Forest Service, FPL, City of Fort Lauderdale, Eller Company, Powell Brothers and Koch Towing Company. The tree was rededicated in 2001 and renamed the Bicentennial Liberty Live Oak tree in memorial of September 11, 2001. Today the tree is approaching 250 years of age and is still doing fairly well at its present location; with some necessary tree pruning, cabling/bracing, insect treatment, root zone remediation and soil sampling completed as of late December 2017. All of the upcoming work will help ensure that the tree continues to thrive and provide shade/enjoyment for City neighbors/visitors for many years to come. 


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Dead Trees/ Snags

I'm often asked when do dead trees need to be removed, and do they always need to come out. The answer typically involves the location of the dead tree(s) and the potential targets should the tree experience a failure level event. Dead trees located near walkways, parking lots, busy streets or anywhere that could cause damage to people or property should be removed. If the likelihood of injury or damage to property resulting from a dead tree's disintegration is minimal the tree can/should be preserved as a snag/home for wildlife. Generally, these trees will be in isolated locations, such as natural areas or heavily wooded areas of parks. Snags provide shelter and cover for multiple species and are an important part of the natural environment. To learn more about tree snags please visit the below websites:

Photographs used courtesy of Donna Bollenbach FNPS and

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Liberty Tree

I came across a very interesting article concerning American history as it relates to one tree in particular. The Liberty tree is mentioned quite often in American history (subject of a poem "Liberty Tree" by Thomas Paine) and was a site of many very important protests including the Stamp Act. One of the most telling quotes originated with Thomas Jefferson who stated "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure". The Liberty elm tree was originally located in Boston Massachusetts on the Boston common and was felled in 1775 by British troops. Plans are underway to renovate Liberty Tree Plaza including installation of a new elm tree. To learn more about the history of the Liberty Tree please visit the below web links:
Images used courtesy of Wordpress and

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Tree Pruning Safety/ ISA Certified Arborists

 Anytime you are considering having your trees pruned remember to hire an ISA Certified Arborist with proper training and liability insurance. These are individuals/companies with the expertise and knowledge to best manage your tree canopy needs. Tree pruning is second only to electric utility work as one of the most hazardous occupations and should only be performed by those with the knowledge/experience to do it properly. However, should you choose to prune trees by yourself some common sense advice includes staying away from any tree within 15-30 feet of overhead utility lines, using proper protective equipment (hard hat, safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection, chaps etc.), using sharp and proper tools (don't use a machete to prune small tree branches, use hand pruners/lopper instead) and consult with an ISA Certified Arborist and or County Extension personnel with knowledge of proper tree pruning methods/techniques. Typically less is more when it comes to tree pruning and often times the only work needed is to remove deadwood/defects or to achieve clearance. When shortcuts are taken or you utilize an unlicensed/untrained individual or company bad things can happen. Please visit the links below to learn more about the consequences.

Images courtesy of Homestead Tree Service and Marin Independent Journal