Thursday, November 30, 2017

Dead Trees/ Snags

I'm often asked when do dead trees need to be removed, and do they always need to come out. The answer typically involves the location of the dead tree(s) and the potential targets should the tree experience a failure level event. Dead trees located near walkways, parking lots, busy streets or anywhere that could cause damage to people or property should be removed. If the likelihood of injury or damage to property resulting from a dead tree's disintegration is minimal the tree can/should be preserved as a snag/home for wildlife. Generally, these trees will be in isolated locations, such as natural areas or heavily wooded areas of parks. Snags provide shelter and cover for multiple species and are an important part of the natural environment. To learn more about tree snags please visit the below websites:

Photographs used courtesy of Donna Bollenbach FNPS and

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