Thursday, January 25, 2018

New Technology Helping Control Insects

I came across an article detailing a new method to control the insect carrier for the dreaded citrus greening disease. As Florida is one of the nation's largest citrus producing states, any insect or disease that threatens the citrus crop typically receives full and immediate attention. Citrus greening differs from the previously #1 citrus issue citrus canker in a few very important way; citrus greening causes immediate fruit drop, reduces overall fruit yields and ultimately kills the tree within a very short time frame. Citrus canker mainly was a cosmetic issue causing unsightly blemishes to the fruit skin of citrus, but leaving the fruit juice and tree itself in relatively free from any affects. That being said the new technology involves a modified electric fence that hones in on the Asian citrus psyllid the carrier of citrus greening to reduce their numbers and help control the rate of tree infection. To read more about this emerging technology please visit the following web link:  

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Historic Magnolia Tree Being Removed at the White House

I recently came across an article mentioning that a historic Magnolia tree was being removed at the White House. The tree in question a large leaf Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) was originally planted by Andrew Jackson back in 1829 and can also be found on the back of the $20 bill circa 1928-1998. The tree ultimately failed due to a combination of old age, decay and structural instability. At the end there simply wasn't enough sound wood left to justify keeping the tree in place due to its risk of failing and causing damage to people or property.The tree was 190 years old well past its normal lifespan; a testament to the critical care it has received over the years from arboricultural experts. When considering trees planted on your property keep in mind that you can extend their lifespan through proper tree pruning, maintenance, planting the right tree in the right place and using an ISA Certified Arborist or ASCA Consulting Arborist to conduct an annual inspection. For the full article please see the weblink below:

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Trees and Bioswales

Trees have many benefits but one of the most important revolves around their capacity to mitigate and filter storm water discharge as a component of a bioswale. Bioswales are storm water runoff conveyance systems that provide an alternative to storm sewers. They can absorb low flows or carry runoff from heavy rains to storm sewer inlets or directly to surface waters. Bioswales improve water quality by infiltrating the first flush of storm water runoff and filtering the large storm flows they convey. Trees have a large capacity to intercept rainwater by capturing rain droplets with their canopy and absorbing rainwater through their root zones. In addition recent studies have shown that trees grow better in bioswales and improve rainwater filtration by creating channels through the soil profile. For additional information on bioswales and trees please visit the below weblinks: