Thursday, December 14, 2017
Citrix Global Day of Impact- Snyder Park
This year I had the wonderful opportunity of working alongside the Citrix volunteers for Global Day of Impact on December 8, 2017. Together we helped clear brush, remove exotic/invasive plants, structurally prune trees, collect hurricane debris and reestablish overgrown trails within the Citrix Food Forest at Snyder Park. The food forest serves as an educational tool and unique meditation space filled with edible/Florida native tree and shrub species. Future volunteer days will help increase the size of the food forest and continue to improve the experience for city neighbors and park visitors. For additional information about the Kids Ecology Corps and Citrix Global Day of Impact please visit the following web links:
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Fort Lauderdale's Historic Bicentennial Liberty Live Oak Tree
I recently uncovered a trove of historical information and photographs documenting the relocation of the City's Bicentennial Live Oak tree. The tree was already over 200 years old when it was selected for preservation/relocation by then Fort Lauderdale City Mayor E Clay Shaw and successfully relocated on September 8, 1976. The tree was originally located near the Broward Courthouse before being moved adjacent to the river walk area of Bubier Park/Huizenga Plaza. This tree relocation had many moving parts and required coordination from multiple parties including the Florida Forest Service, FPL, City of Fort Lauderdale, Eller Company, Powell Brothers and Koch Towing Company. The tree was rededicated in 2001 and renamed the Bicentennial Liberty Live Oak tree in memorial of September 11, 2001. Today the tree is approaching 250 years of age and is still doing fairly well at its present location; with some necessary tree pruning, cabling/bracing, insect treatment, root zone remediation and soil sampling completed as of late December 2017. All of the upcoming work will help ensure that the tree continues to thrive and provide shade/enjoyment for City neighbors/visitors for many years to come.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Dead Trees/ Snags
I'm often asked when do dead trees need to be removed, and do they always need to come out. The answer typically involves the location of the dead tree(s) and the potential targets should the tree experience a failure level event. Dead trees located near walkways, parking lots, busy streets or anywhere that could cause damage to people or property should be removed. If the likelihood of injury or damage to property resulting from a dead tree's disintegration is minimal the tree can/should be preserved as a snag/home for wildlife. Generally, these trees will be in isolated locations, such as natural areas or heavily wooded areas of parks. Snags provide shelter and cover for multiple species and are an important part of the natural environment. To learn more about tree snags please visit the below websites:
Photographs used courtesy of Donna Bollenbach FNPS and
Photographs used courtesy of Donna Bollenbach FNPS and
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
The Liberty Tree
I came across a very interesting article concerning American history as it relates to one tree in particular. The Liberty tree is mentioned quite often in American history (subject of a poem "Liberty Tree" by Thomas Paine) and was a site of many very important protests including the Stamp Act. One of the most telling quotes originated with Thomas Jefferson who stated "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure". The Liberty elm tree was originally located in Boston Massachusetts on the Boston common and was felled in 1775 by British troops. Plans are underway to renovate Liberty Tree Plaza including installation of a new elm tree. To learn more about the history of the Liberty Tree please visit the below web links:
Images used courtesy of Wordpress and
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Tree Pruning Safety/ ISA Certified Arborists
Anytime you are considering having your trees pruned remember to hire an ISA Certified Arborist with proper training and liability insurance. These are individuals/companies with the expertise and knowledge to best manage your tree canopy needs. Tree pruning is second only to electric utility work as one of the most hazardous occupations and should only be performed by those with the knowledge/experience to do it properly. However, should you choose to prune trees by yourself some common sense advice includes staying away from any tree within 15-30 feet of overhead utility lines, using proper protective equipment (hard hat, safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection, chaps etc.), using sharp and proper tools (don't use a machete to prune small tree branches, use hand pruners/lopper instead) and consult with an ISA Certified Arborist and or County Extension personnel with knowledge of proper tree pruning methods/techniques. Typically less is more when it comes to tree pruning and often times the only work needed is to remove deadwood/defects or to achieve clearance. When shortcuts are taken or you utilize an unlicensed/untrained individual or company bad things can happen. Please visit the links below to learn more about the consequences.
Images courtesy of Homestead Tree Service and Marin Independent Journal
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Veteran's Day and Tying a Yellow Ribbon Around An Oak Tree
In honor of our Veteran military heroes I thought I'd delve into history and write a bit about where the tie a yellow ribbon around a tree tradition came from. It has its most recent roots in a song from 1973 and how it related to the Iranian Hostage Crisis in 1979. The song was entitled "Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak tree" by Dawn. Since that time tying a yellow ribbon around an oak tree has become synonymous with supporting the military especially for troops stationed overseas. To learn more about the tradition and to support our troops I have included a link to the Yellow Ribbon Foundation and an article on the origins below.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Halloween Lore as It Relates to Trees and Plants
As Halloween is right around the corner I thought it would be fun to bring some of it's tree/plant related history to the front. Many of us have Halloween traditions which have included trick or treating, pumpkin carving and putting up decorations in our trees and yards. But were you aware that most of these traditions are based in history dating back to the Romans and Celtics and the festivals of Samhain and Pamona which celebrated the harvest and Summer's end. Enjoy the below article which delves into much greater detail on the history of Halloween and the influence of trees.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Another Example of Taking Extreme Measures to Preserve A Tree
Preservation of mature tree canopy is of utmost importance when developing a property site, as the elder statesmen add character and provide extensive environmental benefits. However, in some instances it is not feasible to preserve existing large canopy trees and tree relocation is an excellent alternative. Relocations of large "Specimen" type trees have always fascinated me. The most important factor is preserving as much of the root zone area as possible which can lead to a very heavy tree and complications with relocation logistics. In the below story a 200 year old green buttonwood tree weighing in excess of 48,000 lbs. is being relocated from private property to a City Park. This involves use of a heavy duty crane, significant root pruning and transportation by barge. A web link to the original article is included below:
Photograph Used Courtesy of Andres Leiva/Daily News
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Can Trees Actually Protect Your Home from Hurricanes?
Trees have many benefits including providing oxygen, habitat for wildlife, shade, cooler temperatures etc.. But did you know that trees also can protect you and your property from storms and hurricanes? Groups of trees properly planted together can provide a wind break, and buffer each other from the effects of high winds. During a hurricane this can mean the difference from an intact home to one that loses its roof and sustains significant wind related damage. Trees can also prevent soil erosion from sudden rain events and floods, as their root systems help stabilize the soil profile. While we continue to recover from the effects of this year's hurricane events, keep in mind all the benefits trees provide. I have included some additional links with further details on how trees can provide protection from storm events below.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Up Righting Fallen Trees
One of the most commonly asked questions after a hurricane aside from can my tree be saved is how and should you upright a tree that has been blown over in a storm. The answer depends on the integrity of the tree's root system and the size/dbh (diameter breast height) of the tree in question. Typically trees with a dbh less then 6" can be successfully up righted as long as the root zone is relatively intact and free from large defects such as stem girdling, plunging or circling roots. Larger trees may never develop sufficient rooting capacity to successfully anchor the tree without use of permanent bracing systems. I have attached some links to additional information on how to properly re-brace a fallen tree along with methods for doing so.
Photographs showing tree damage post Hurricane Irma, City of Fort Lauderdale
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Hidden Post Hurricane Irma Impacts
Hurricane Irma caused substantial issues for our tree canopy. Torn limbs, toppled trees split trunks this damage is very visible and very apparent. Unfortunately, there was also a more hidden indirect impact. Florida's nurseries and plant farms took a substantial hit from the high winds and heavy rains. This will cause near and future issues as we try to replant lost/downed trees due to potential shortages of replacement trees. Hurricane Wilma in 2005 caused tree shortages that took 6 months to overcome. Hopefully, the industry can rebound sooner from the effects of Irma. I have also included several links to additional stories/articles pertaining to the effects of Hurricane Irma as it relates to the landscaping industry.
Photographs used courtesy of the FNGLA.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Post Hurricane Irma Cleanup/ Tree Replanting
Fort Lauderdale sustained some significant tree damage including downed trees and significant canopy loss. The majority of the damage is proving to be from either high winds, excessive ground saturation and or poor tree structure and lack of appropriate tree planting space. So far the tree species with the most damage include Ficus, Tabebuia, Mahogany, Seagrape and Hong Kong Orchids.
While most of South Florida continues to clean out from under the debris generated by Hurricane Irma, here are some links to a few articles on saving your trees, tree debris cleanup for Fort Lauderdale and how to remediate storm damage.
While most of South Florida continues to clean out from under the debris generated by Hurricane Irma, here are some links to a few articles on saving your trees, tree debris cleanup for Fort Lauderdale and how to remediate storm damage.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Hurricane Harvey Effects and Historic Tree Survival
Hurricanes can cause significant damage to newly installed and existing tree canopy. Trees with structural defects, those planted too deeply, improperly pruned and or planted in too small a space often experience significant storm related failures. You can reduce the potential for a storm related failure by following proper tree pruning principles and utilizing an ISA Certified Arborist to inspect your trees annually. There are also lessons to be learned from older trees that have survived multiple and or significant storm events and escaped relatively unscathed. Per the included article link below a 1,000+ year old Live Oak tree survived the effects of Hurricane Harvey with minimal damage. Note the ample growing space and robust structure of the tree, both possible factors in why the tree was able to survive.
Photograph Courtesy of the Independent US.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
The Value of Regular Inspections for High Risk trees/ and The Aftermath of Missed Ones
Annual risk assessments/inspections of your canopy trees by an ISA Certified Arborist can save you time, money and even your life. Recently a large Elm tree failed in New York City's Historic Central Park causing significant injuries. This particular tree can be considered high risk due to its limited planting space something that should always be kept in mind when planting new trees make sure enough space is available for the root system. Also of note the tree did receive an annual inspection but due to its high risk should most likely have been inspected on a more frequent basis or through use of a more advanced technique such as through use of a resistograph. A weblink to the full article is available here:
Photograph Courtesy of Fox News/ Associated Press
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Does My Tree Need to be Removed/ Why Perform an Annual Inspection?
Recent research has confirmed the importance of proper tree selection, planting depth, tree quality and adequate space for proper tree establishment. Of equal importance is an annual inspection to schedule/perform required maintenance including pruning, mulching, treatment for diseases/insect infestations and fertilizing for nutrient deficiencies. But what are some of the sudden warning signs to be aware of that may indicate your tree needs to be inspected by an ISA Certified Arborist?
- Sudden unexpected lean/shift in the root plate area. This could be due to a recent wind event, broken pipe underneath the tree or from recent root pruning due to a street and or sidewalk repair. Can be remedied in some cases with younger trees.
- Canopy suddenly turns brown/yellow or defoliates completely (not seasonal related). Could indicate lightning strike, fungal infection, chemical spill etc. Can potentially be treated with fungicides, insecticides, soil remediation or other alternatives.
- Sudden limb/branch shedding in calm weather. Substantial loss of canopy/branches/limbs can be indicative of root zone damage and or major issues that require an immediate onsite inspection from an ISA Certified Arborist. Can potentially be addressed through structural pruning.
- Large cracks/scorch marks with bark loss. Could indicate lightning strike and or high wind events that might have compromised a tree's structural integrity. Tree may or not be salvageable depending on size of cracks and tree structural integrity.
For additional information concerning tree risk assessment please visit Dr. Ed Gilman's website below:
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Laurel Wilt Disease
Florida has a robust economy based in large part on the agricultural industry and to a lesser extent revenue sourced from fruit trees such as citrus. Avocado trees are also a part of the fruit trade and recently a disease has arrived that is devastating the avocado tree and its family relative the red bay tree. The redbay ambrosia beetle is host to a fungus that disrupts the transportation of water and nutrients within an infected red bay or avocado tree causing the tree to wilt and eventually die. Identification and removal of potentially infested trees is essential if we want to eradicate this disease and save our beloved Avocado and Redbay trees. Links to information on the diseases and who to report potentially infected trees to is listed below.
Photograph Courtesy of James Johnson, Georgia Forestry Commission
Note frass tubes left by feeding Redbay Ambrosia Beetles.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Kids Ecology Corps./ Tree Related Volunteer Work
I recently had the pleasure of attending the final day of a program entitled "Amazing Kids, Amazing Planet" which focused on promoting a healthy lifestyle, a food growing/gardening component and a greater appreciation of the environment as a whole championed by the Kid's Ecology Corps. and Heal The Planet. Together they have accomplished some amazing things engaging kids in discussions and exercises about the benefits of trees/nature/leading a healthy lifestyle. I was afforded the opportunity to conduct a nature walk, during which time I was able to talk about the importance of our urban forest canopy, point out various native tree species along with identifying several invasive exotics (air potato, sansaveria etc.). Reaching out to our younger generation and empowering them to believe in a healthy environment and healthy urban forest, will help secure our trees for the enjoyment of future generations.
Additional information for the Kids Ecology Corps., heal the planet and the "Amazing Kids, Amazing Planet" program are available here:
Additional information for the Kids Ecology Corps., heal the planet and the "Amazing Kids, Amazing Planet" program are available here:
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Relocating Extremely Large Trees
I recently came across an article emphasizing the importance of large historic trees, and some commendable efforts spent to ensure their survival in the face of development pressure. This is one of the largest trees I've come across to be relocated of this particular species. Redwood trees are known for their incredible height, longevity and historical significance. The one in this article was grown from a seedling donated by the legendary John Muir aka "John of the Mountains" a noted activist and founder of the Sierra Club.
An aerial view of the sequoia in Boise, Idaho, as workers prepared to transport it about two blocks. Heavy machinery had to be used to prune its roots and build a structure so they could move the roughly 100-foot tree, which was planted back in 1912. Rebecca Boone/AP
For the full article text please click here.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Primeval Underwater Forest Discovered
I recently ran across an article concerning the discovery of a remarkably well preserved 50,000 year old bald cypress forest off the coastline of Alabama. The forest was protected under many layers of sediment and is still in a pristine state. This will present a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our past and specifically the Gulf coast region. As we face the current day issues related to sea level rise and climate change, perhaps the clues/research unearthed in this ancient forest will shed some light on past climates and how they affected tree growth.
The forest as it currently stands. Image via Ben Raines/
How the forest could have looked. Image Credit: Ted Trovillion, US Fish and Wildlife Service.
The full article can be accessed by visiting the following website courtesy of Live Science: .
Friday, June 16, 2017
Hurricanes, Storms and Your Landscape
Here is an article I co-authored with my good friend Mark Torok from the Florida Forest Service (FFS) tackling the tough questions around tree care and storms.
Hurricanes, Storms, and Your Landscape
Mark Torok, FFS Senior Forester
Mark Williams, Treemendous Consulting Group
Living in Florida, sooner or later, given its history, your landscape is going to be exposed to high winds either from a hurricane, tornado or a storm. So, what can be done to minimize wind damage in your Florida landscape?
For starters, have your existing trees inspected annually and/or structurally pruned by an ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) certified arborist who is also licensed and insured. To find an ISA certified arborist in your area, you can use the “Arborist Search” on the ISA website at Having your trees inspected annually (risk assessment) and structurally pruned every 2-5 years will help the trees become more wind-resistant by eliminating or minimizing structural defects such as cross branching, decay, codominant stems, deadwood and included bark in the trees.
If you are thinking about redoing and or enhancing your landscape, plant more wind resistant trees. Just like people, all trees are not the same; some are more wind-resistant than others. In general, trees species that are wind resistant are also good compartmentalizers. Good compartmentalizers are tree species that can recover well from wounds and that seal them off effectively preventing the spread of decay. Even trees that are in the same family can vary on how well they compartmentalize. For example, live oak trees are very wind resistant and great compartmentalizers while laurel oaks/water oaks are very poor compartmentalizers and not very wind resistant trees.
Another way to make your landscape more wind tolerant is planting trees in groups. In a natural forest setting, winds normally blow over a stand of trees instead of blowing through them unlike the total exposure faced by an individual, open-grown tree. Grouping trees together in tree islands/communal plantings simulates how trees grow naturally and mimics the buffering effect of trees within a natural forest community. But remember to use minimum tree spacing requirements which are typically planting trees at least 15-20 foot on center for tree species that develop large canopy crowns. In order for a tree to develop proper taper a certain amount of wind exposure is also necessary. Some examples of Florida native tree species that are often found growing in groups include slash pine, bald cypress, live oak and sabal palm.
Addressing any root defects that may be present before planting will also aid tree establishment and help ensure a well anchored root system. Some additional information about tree root pruning is available at: ( Remember to plant your tree slightly above grade, install the recommended bracing system and to remove any circling, plunging and girdling roots that are present. The use of Florida Grade No. 1 (Grading Standard for Nursery trees set by FDACS) or above rated trees is also recommended as these trees are of high quality with excellent structure. Trees of this grade typically have greater vigor, establish faster and are free of structural defects commonly present on poorer quality/lower grade trees. Some additional information on proper tree planting and bracing is available at: (
Here are some high wind resistant native south Florida trees:
Gumbo limbo Green buttonwood Geiger tree
White stopper Redberry stopper Spanish stopper
Lignum vitae Dahoon holly Krug’s holly
Black ironwood Bald cypress Pond cypress
FL silver palm Cabbage/Sabal palm FL thatch palm
Key thatch palm Myrtle oak Live oak
Sand live oak
Here are some medium-high wind resistant native south Florida trees:
Here are some medium-high wind resistant native south Florida trees:
Pond apple Satinleaf Royal palm
Pigeon plum Wild tamarind Sweetbay magnolia
Mastic tree Paradise tree West Indian mahogany
Duryea, M.L. 2008. Trees and Hurricanes. Website: of the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Gainesville, FL.
Gilman, E. 2005. Tree selection for landscapes. Website with 680 Tree Fact Sheets: of the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Gainesville, FL.
Crawford, P. 2005. Florida Gardening Series, Volume 3 – Stormscaping: Landscaping to Minimize Wind Damage in Florida. Color Garden Inc. Canton, GA. 168 pp.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
How to Prevent Tree Damage from Storms
Preventing damage to mature tree canopy due to storms starts with ensuring that proper tree pruning has been scheduled and completed by an ISA Certified Arborist and or company. Removal of existing hazards (cross branching, hanging limbs, deadwood etc.) and establishing a central leader when applicable should be the main priorities. Normally canopy trees should be inspected at least annually for the presence of any hazardous defects. "Hurricane" trimming of trees is not necessary every year and can actually be harmful be removing much more canopy then is necessary weakening your trees. The rule of thumb for scheduling structural pruning is once yearly for trees that are 1-7 years of age, every 1-2 years for trees 7-14 years of age and 3+ years for trees 14 years and older. For trees that have been storm damaged tree evaluation for hazard abatement is a must. Only utilize a trained ISA Certified Arborist and or company to perform this type of pruning.
For some additional tips on structural pruning for trees please see the following references:
Thursday, June 1, 2017
How to Protect Trees During Construction
Trees are a valuable resource and when planning construction on a site where they are present, care must be taken to avoid any potential for damage. The best time to incorporate tree protection measures is before construction has begun during the early planning stages. At this point final designs typically haven't been completed leaving multiple options to incorporate and protect trees as part of a sustainable landscape/construction design process. As damage can occur to a tree's trunk, canopy and root zone normally tree protection zones are created that protect all three areas. The zones are typically laid out and defined on construction plans as areas where no construction activities can occur, no equipment can be stored and no chemicals and or construction debris can be placed. A tree protection barrier is also a typical requirement that must be installed prior to construction onsite and maintained throughout the project.
For some additional information on tree protection strategies please visit the following website:
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Tree and Sidewalk Conflicts
When trees are planted in the wrong place and or the wrong tree species is selected a multitude of problems can occur. One of the most commonplace involves tree root and sidewalk conflicts. Trees need a large amount of above and below ground space to properly establish. When the space is limited or conflicts exist with utilities, sidewalks, curbs etc. property damage and safety hazards can occur. Remedying these conflicts often involves substantial money, labor and or retrofitting which is why its best to address these issues at the planning stage before any trees are planted. Technology has also evolved creating Silva Cells, Tree Wells, Bonded Aggregate and Sidewalk Bridging as methods to avoid tree sidewalk conflicts. The City of Fort Lauderdale is exploring these options to better plan for and provide adequate root and canopy space for a mature healthy tree canopy. To learn more about these technologies please visit the following Silva Cells
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
How Trees Help in Preventing Floods
One often overlooked benefit that trees provide involves their ability to mitigate the effects of flooding and sudden water runoff from storms and or significant tidal events. Here in Fort Lauderdale flooding can occur from both and it is very important to keep strategic tree plantings in the mix to protect our coastlines from tidal events and or storm caused surges. The following article excerpt continues to define a tree's benefit as it pertains to flooding....
Trees are one of the most important organisms that exist on planet Earth
Food for all living organisms originates from trees and other members in the plant kingdom. Every single organism depends directly or indirectly on trees for their survival. Trees not only provide food for other organisms, but also shelter and protection to many different types of organisms including humans. In addition, trees also provide wood, shade, oxygen and clean air. During heavy rains, trees reduce the risk of flooding. There are two major ways in which trees provide protection against flooding. Continue to Full Article
The Many Benefits of Trees
The above diagram shows some fantastic numbers concerning tree benefits in one particular environment. Trees have more value than just the aesthetic and quantifying the value typically results in some fantastic discussion points and often can lead to a renewed interest in tree plantings and proper maintenance. Check out the following article excerpt from the Wildlife Habitat Council to learn more...
Last week I read a fascinating article about urban forestry, which argued that strategically reforesting a 1.5-square-mile area in Houston could help reduce ozone pollution in the city. Using weather data and computer models, researchers estimated that a freshly-grown forest could remove as much as 310 tons of ozone from the atmosphere over the course of 30 years.
This got me thinking about the various merits of urban forests. Did you know that even individual trees provide a multitude of benefits to urban areas? Continue to Full Article
Can You Put A Price Tag On A Tree?
Trees offer many different benefits that when combined can really add up. Here is an excerpt from an article written by EarthShare. For the entire article read to the end of the excerpt.
Those who sell timber for paper and other products certainly do, but what about the worth of a living tree? When you add it all up, a tree’s price is incalculable. That didn’t stop Portland Parks & Recreation in Oregon from hanging actual price tags on trees in the community to give people a sense of the benefits they provide. What are those benefits? We picked ten of the most important:
1. Clean Air. Researchers at the Davey Institute found that urban trees and forests are saving an average of one life every year per city because of the particulates that they remove from the air. A study in the Journal of Preventative Medicine found that people experienced more deaths from heart disease and respiratory disease when they lived in areas where trees had disappeared. Trees are often referred to as the “lungs of the planet” because of the oxygen they provide to other living things.
2. Jobs. According to the U.S. Forest Service, recreation visitor spending in National Forests amounted to nearly $11 billion in 2012. All that economic activity sustains about 190,000 full- and part-time jobs. And that’s just in our National Forests!
3. Clean Water. Forests provide natural filtration and storage systems that process nearly two-thirds of the water supply in the United States. When you drink a glass of tap water in a New York City restaurant, you’re drinking water that was filtered largely by the forests of upstate New York. The forests do such a good job that the city only needs to do a minimum of additional filtering.... Continue on to Full Article
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