Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Benefits of Trees

Trees have multiple benefits some of which are apparent and some not as much. The following is an excerpt outlining some of the benefits trees can provide:

The Benefits of Trees - Canopy: Trees produce oxygen, intercept airborne particulates, and reduce smog, enhancing a community’s respiratory health. The urban canopy directly contributes to meeting a city’s regulatory clean air requirements. Access to trees, green spaces, [...]

How to Stake a Tree Properly (And How Long to Keep It Staked)


Ensuring newly planted trees are braced if warranted is considered of paramount importance second only to proper planting and establishment watering. Please read excerpts form the Davey Tree article to learn more about if a tree needs to be braced, and if so how to go about proper bracing.
The new tree you planted is counting on you for enough water, sunlight and nutrients – and it needs a few other elements to succeed, too. A bit of pruning early on can help your tree establish a good shape. And your new tree may need a bit of literal support, like a stake. Though, not all young trees need to be staked. Read on to see if you should stake a new tree. If so, learn some staking trees methods and how long to keep a tree staked.

What You Need to Know About Staking New Trees

While it seems like young trees need extra support, most trees don’t need to be staked. Staking trees that don’t need it can cause the tree to grow fewer roots and develop a weak tree base. Only stake your tree if it needs extra support, protection or help staying anchored.

Should you stake your new tree?

If you properly planted a healthy tree with a sturdy trunk and solid root system, chances are you won’t have to stake it. You also don’t have to stake evergreens, conifers or trees that have branches growing lower to the ground. There are times when you should stake trees, though. .......... Continue Onto Article